Wait List Summer Session 2025
415 Flats currently has every apartment occupied with no vacancies. If you are interested in putting your name on a waitlist for Summer 2025 for 415 flats move-in date end of July 2025 scroll down to complete the online form.
All of our leases are 12 months and go from September 1 - August 31. However, we have openings throughout the year (usually at semester breaks) when tenants need to break their lease early. 415 Flats keeps a waitlist to assist current tenants in finding someone to take over their lease. When a current tenant wants to transfer their lease, the next person on the waitlist will be contacted by email and asked to apply online within a designated time frame. Please be aware if you are contacted asking if you are interested in a 415 Flats lease you want to reply back as soon as possible! Thank you for your interest in 415 Flats!